Secondhand Smoke (SHS) Facts

Secondhand smoke harms children and adults, and the only way to fully protect nonsmokers is to eliminate smoking in all homes, worksites, and public places.
Secondhand smoke harms children and adults, and the only way to fully protect nonsmokers is to eliminate smoking in all homes, worksites, and public places.1,2,3
You can take steps to protect yourself and your family from secondhand smoke, such as making your home and vehicles smokefree.2,3
Separating smokers from nonsmokers, opening windows, or using air filters does not prevent people from breathing secondhand smoke.1,2,3
Most exposure to secondhand smoke occurs in homes and workplaces.2,3
People are also exposed to secondhand smoke in public places—such as in restaurants, bars, and casinos—as well as in cars and other vehicles.2,3
People with lower income and lower education are less likely to be covered by smokefree laws in worksites, restaurants, and bars.4
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