Message from Dean
The subject of environmental research in universities and research institutes in Iran goes back to few decades, especially in water and wastewater issues and is mostly accordance with industrys requirements. But, research activities with regard to solid waste field are not developed as well as other aspects of environmental issues. In different areas and activities in any community, solid waste may be generated such as industries, hospitals, agriculture and municipality. The hazard related to miss management of these waste can result in human health and environmental effects. Correct identification of type of wastes, minimization, reuse, recycle, collection, treatment, landfilling, composting and disposal or incineration of rejects is very important. Unfortunately, lack of full knowledge and science with regard to any of above subjects, can lead to miss management and waste of time and budget in the community. This research center tends to gather interested scientists in this field to cooperate with industrial section to identify the problems in these fields and come up with up to date research ideas and solution in such subjects.